2016 Chefs Dinner Round Up
Seeing how every Dinner we did this year I had good intentions of writing up a blog post for it, and yet never made the time. I thought I would close this year with getting a jump start on one of my goals for 2017. To write for our blog once a week, what better way to start than with our dinners, which mean the world to us. They are for sure our passion project. Never quite enough time for them, but when we get around to hosting them, it is such a joy to see people enjoy beautiful food and lovely conversation. To just disconnect for everyday responsibilities for a few hours.
We had the pleasure of hosting three this year with Lisa from Kith & Thyme. She opens up her beautiful home for us to take over and turn into a lovely dinning experience. Chef Josh Kellim, my husband, creates a unique and progressive meal that never disappoints.
Here are some images from January. A fresh clean style is what we were intending, just like you want every new year to begin.
The inspiration for our spring dinner was much more playful and energetic. We used beautiful vintage pottery mixed with pieces custom made from Yen Works. Erin created this insanely cool abstract art on drop cloth for the main focal piece of the room. It was the topic of the night, everyone wanted to take it home.

By the time Fall came around this year, I think we all were feeling like we needed more simplicity in our life, more realness, more uplifting interactions with people. I just wonder what could have caused it?? Possibly a Presidential race that just shook us all to the bones? Who knew we had that much intolerance inside people still. Well I guess we do. So we decided to go as minimal and uncluttered as possible with our setting. Being influenced by Japanese & Nordic styles in mostly all my design decisions I gravitated to it for our table design. The dark, clean, vibe left the table really to the people. The point was to showcase the guests eating and mingling over their meal, with no real evidence of a table being truly set at all.
Here was our Menu |
greek yogurt | beets | herbs
crab chawanmushi
raisin | buttermilk | pinenut | scallop | cauliflower
black garlic | duck | broccolini | parsnip | turnip
nutella | parmigiano reggiano | brioche
torched meringue | yuzu custard
So very many people to Thank for helping in make our dinners successful.. We have wonderful friends and family that continually support us, we have met such wonderful artists that we have had the honor of collaborating with in some aspect of our Chefs Dinners. Michael Laser, for always creating our beautiful Menus. Aaron Conklin, for being excited and willing to serve at our dinners and bring such warmth and laughter with you. Huge thanks to Lisa, for your gorgeous home and all the creative energy we can bounce off each other to make these dinners special. Big Big thanks to my hard working, creative and driven husband Chef Josh, for putting care and heart into every meal you do. It always shines through in your food. And last but never least, massive thanks to my smart, talented and hardest working girl around, Erin. My sister, my partner in most every creative endeavor and my trusted business partner. Girl & The Abode would not exist without you.
{All Photos are taken by Erin Conklin of G&A}